Sunday, May 31, 2015

Chapters 7 and 8

               The first concept I want to talk about from our textbook: "Transforming Learning With New Technologies"  is "Problem based learning." According to our textbook "Transforming Learning With New Technologies" "Problem based learning" is "when students investigate problems, issues, and questions for which there is no one right or predetermined answer using a process of asking questions, assembling evidence, drawing conclusions, and evaluating the results. (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 159) I think it is important to teach students to think and learn this way. This allows students to have a kind of process that can use on different topics. It also teaches students to learn, evaluate, and form their own opinions on new information, instead of just going with what everyone else is saying. 

                The second concept I want to discuss from our textbook "Transforming Learning With New Technologies" is "Engaging Students." According to our textbook "Transforming Learning With New Technologies", "Engaging Students is important because most students learn more of what they know by trying something out for themselves in minds-on, hands-onlearning situations." (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 191) I think this is very important, not just because the students need it to grab their attention, but also because it makes a student feel valuable, and like they are the leader of their education, they are in control. 

                 The final concept I want to discuss from our textbook "Transforming Learning With New Technologies" is "stealth learning." (173) According to "Transforming Learning With New Technologies," stealth learning is "when students learn without realizing they are learning because the essential academic information and thinking skills are embedded within the activities of the game."(Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 173)Stealth Learning" is very important to me, as it really goes along with the beginnings of my own educational philosophy, as I feel the most learning is done when the student is having fun. This allows for a unique learning experience. 

Tech Tool:

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Schwarz Gabrielle. (May 31st 2015) Chapters Seven and Eight. Prezi. Retrieved From:

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Chapters Three and Five

       The first Concept I want to talk about from our Textbook: "Transforming Learning With New Technologies" is "feedback." The authors of our Textbook define feedback as "communication between a learner and a instructor." (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 54)I personally think "feedback" is much more than what the textbook describes it as. Feedback is what allows a student to be able to fully understand what is expected of them and mold their work to that. If a teacher did not provide valid feedback, it would be hard for the student to succeed, as they would not have a way to improve their work, or understand how they need to take their work to the next step. How does technology relate to "feedback?" In my opinion, technology allows a more improved, and efficient way for "feedback" to take place. Technology enables us to see most information from anywhere with  internet connection. You are also able to get notifications when certain information is available. This allows a quicker response time most of the time. Technology also allows for more personalized feedback. You are able to send an individual message to someone with your feedback in it. Overall, feedback is very important, especially since technology is now involved.

       The second concept I want to discuss from our textbook "Transforming Learning With New Technologies" is "Electronic Note-taking."(Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 106) According to "Transforming Learning With New Technologies", "Electronic Note-taking is using computer technologies to organize and expedite note-taking."(Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 106) I am kind of torn on how I feel about "electronic note-taking." On one side I see how "electronic note-taking" can help, as it has a lot benefits that allow for more convenience. That being said I can also see how "electronic note-taking" can be a problem, as it can cause a distraction. It is hard to keep tabs every students' computer screen, and you never know if that student has another tab open, checking their social media or what not.

        The final concept I want to discuss from our textbook "Transforming Learning With New Technologies" is "Wikipedia." A lot of people have their own opinions on "wikipedia." According to "Transforming Learning With New Technologies", "wikipedia is an online encyclopedia with a worldwide collection of authors." (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 114) The reason most people are weary of "wikipedia" because of the ability for anybody to post on "wikipedia."  According to "Transforming Learning With New Technologies," "Many people, librarians and teachers among them, distrust Wikipedia because recognized experts do not serve as referees of the knowledge selection process." (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 114) I actually think "wikipedia" is a good resource due to the fact that it provides a good "first-look" at information. "Wikipedia" allows you to get a basic understanding in "normal people terms", although you should look into "academic sources" after, "wikipedia" is a good first step in my opinion.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Schwarz, G. (2015, May 24) "Wikipedia". Created with

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Chapters One and Two

      The First Concept I want to discuss from our Textbook: "Transforming Learning With New Technologies (2nd Edition)" is the "Technology Based Textbook." (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 2013, 8) I think this is very unique, and helps provide a different method of textbook instruction, rather than the average paper textbook. The Textbook discusses how using a "Technology Based Textbook" can provide more educational opportunities such as "science simulations and
visualizations, math manipulatives, and stories and poems in audio and video formats."  (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 2013, 8) These tools can be very useful, they allow students to get more practice with the information. I think these activities can also be useful in providing that "hands on" learning experience, even if the school is lacking funds. It allows schools who don't have the money to get stuff like the latest lab equipment, to provide those students with the ability to still complete those activities in a "virtual" way. This is creating a fairer, and more even learning environment amongst schools.

     The Second Concept I want to discuss from our textbook:"Transforming Learning With New Technologies (2nd Edition)" is "Barriers to Technology Use." (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 2013, 30-32) In this section, Maloy, Loughlin, and Edwards talk about different problems that "prevent students from being able to work with the newest technology," in one section of the text; Maloy, Loughlin, and Edwards discuss one of the big reasons being "lack of access." (Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 2013, 31) I think this is very interesting. In my opinion, it would be easier and less expensive, for schools to purchase all the up to date technology products, rather than buy individual products for each subject. (Ex. Microscopes for Science, Shapes for Math) When you have something like a computer or a "smart board", you are able to access learning tools for any subject. Most technology lasts quite a long time, as you are usually able to just download updates.

     The Final Concept I want to discuss from the our textbook:"Transforming Learning With New Technologies (2nd Edition)" is from the portion titled "Critics of Technology in Schools."(Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 2013, 34) In this section, Maloy, Loughlin, and Edwards talk about how some people feel like technology "negatively affect a child."(Maloy, Verock-O' Loughlin, Edwards, 2013, 34) I disagree with this. If used in a educational way, technology provides so many benefits and rewards. Nowadays technology is so important, if you never incorporate technology into students' education, they will be overwhelmed when they start life in the "real world."

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Schwarz, G. (2015, May 17) Technology. Created with